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attitude to life三年三班陈玉婵

2010年03月26日 09:18:32 来源:辽宁省台安县第二高级中学 访问量:448

We have a saying destiny character creation, therefore, attitude, character and personality is = = = attitude is destiny, so if the right attitude fate, fate nature also went toward the direction of correct development, it is logical, but in the life attitude how to set? But what is more complex, more likely, it is not so simple, or just take a single options can finish. Because of life, the life span 70 to estimate assume a paragraph, such as 10 years before and after 10 years of life needs and ideological attitude is not the same growth to 20 years old, he again into 30 acceptable and the environment is not the same, and so on, has grown to 70 years old, affirmation is living in another world, so that each to a stage, it must be different degree of growth, and learn the different environment, needs and responsibility or said. Also means different stages, will have different life attitude, will make the necessary adjustments attitude, to face your own health life.

Basically should cultivate themselves, keep the following principles can:

1. With an open mind

2 the attitude to learn

3 good interpersonal interaction relationship

4 maintain healthy body

5. Have a happy family

6 work or business can be stable development

7. To see the future prospects

If can be more attitude, I dare say you are a the happiest person in the world.


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